Trademark Search

The Indian Trademark Registry database is used to do a public trademark search. The search determines if a proposed trademark can be used with certain goods or services. In a trademark search India, comparable word marks and phonetically similar names in a certain class can be extensively investigated. Trademark searching is an essential first step in any trademark registration or brand launch strategy because it helps companies avoid adopting trademarks that infringe on the rights of third parties.

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  • Trademark searches are any actions made to determine whether or not a trademark is being utilized in commerce. Trademark searches can be modest in scope or broad enough to include results from every avenue for trademark protection for any mark that is even somewhat comparable to the mark under consideration.

  • An acceptable searching strategy will take into account the nature of the mark, the nature of the goods/services covered by the mark, the timescale for bringing the mark to commerce, and the applicant’s resource allocation.

  • Trademark search saves us money, gives flexibility and time for product and service startups, eliminates the expenses of distraction for businesses, saves litigation money from a disagreement, and provides insights into potential registration concerns. When contemplating trademark searches in advance for all of these goals, you should avoid wasting money and effort. The trademark search is a significant expenditure, and the potential trademark candidate is strongly advised. In our reports, we thoroughly search all registered trademarks in India in each class to which the mark belongs.


  • Trademark search saves us money, gives flexibility and time for product and service startups, eliminates the expenses of distraction for businesses, saves litigation money from a disagreement, and provides insights into potential registration concerns. When contemplating trademark searches in advance for all of these goals, you should avoid wasting money and effort. The trademark search is a significant expenditure, and the potential trademark candidate is strongly advised. In our reports, we thoroughly search all registered trademarks in India in each class to which the mark belongs.

Trademark searches are often categorized as “knock-out searches” or “complete searches.” Each form of search is described further below.

Search Result

After entering the necessary information, click the ‘Start Search’ button to display the results of your search. The table would provide the specifics of each trademark, such as S.No., matching trademark(s), and photos. To display all the results, click the box at the left top corner of the selection box given in S.No. for the selected trademark. After checking the boxes, click “Report” to get the information on all trademarks.

Knock-Out Search

A “knock-out” search refers to a check of the Federal Trademark Register to evaluate if the trademark in issue is likely to fail to get registration. Knock-out searches advise the applicant if a trademark is so likely to fail in an application that it does not deserve further investigation or filing. When a knock-out search is all that is required to assess whether a proposed mark is likely to clash with a registered mark, it is preferable to depend on that knowledge rather than paying further resources to pursue the mark.

Phonetic Search

The phonetic search would be the same as the Wordmark search method described above, but without the prefix approach. As a result, you may use the same procedure as described above to do a phonetic search for the trademark.

Full search

Comprehensive search refers to searches that cover all possibilities for trademark protection in the trademark system under consideration. Computer software is used by search businesses to execute these searches and categorize the results based on how near they are to the mark that is the topic of the search. The findings are then combined into a search report that includes critical data for each of the marks cited in the results.

Vienna Code Search

The Vienna code search is mostly used to locate comparable device marks, and you will need to input the six-digit Vienna code in the box labeled “Vienna code” and choose your application class. Following the search, the result table would display all of the marks that included the device.


  • A Trademark search on the internet will showcase the name of a registered brand name/ trademark that is similar to your Trademark. A list of forbidden marks is supplied so that a person may determine if the brand name or trademark comes under such restricted characters. If the brand name has a logo and is classified by the Vienna code, a trademark search will provide you with information and data on comparable brand names.

  • A Trademark search is necessary to register the applicants’ trademark or brand mark logo under the Trademark Act. If a comparable Trademark already exists in the Trademark registration, the name can be changed, or an individual can choose a new name.

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What should I do if my trademark has already been registered?+

If another firm has previously filed the mark or has a registered trademark, the other party has precedence over the mark if the trademark is for a common commercial product.

What should I do if my trademark has already been registered?+

If another firm has previously filed the mark or has a registered trademark, the other party has precedence over the mark if the trademark is for a common commercial product.

How do you interpret the results of a trademark search?+

We analyze entire trademark search results with two goals in mind: establishing if the proposed mark is an infringement risk and estimating the strength of the proposed mark’s rights if it were to register.

How much does trademark search cost in total?+

The price of a thorough trademark search includes the cost of the third-party searching party doing the search as well as the attorney’s time examining the search findings and writing a written report. Our fees for a thorough US word mark or design mark search begin at Rs.____/-

How much time is needed for the trademark search?+

The length of time it takes to register a trademark is determined by a number of variables. Indeed, there’s no certainty that your trademark will ever be registered, as it might be denied for a variety of legal reasons. The procedure usually takes 12 to 18 months.

Trademark Registration

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